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Questions in exam (Brussels)

Geplaatst: 24 mei 2018, 14:23
door kkrasnas

Could you please explain to me if the questions in the actual exam are from the same database as your questions, or they can be formulated differently?
I am sorry, I'm new to all this and sometimes when I pass exercises or exams I start to memorize questions themselves, and answer them without thinking. So I am wondering, are the questions formulated differently in the exam? I don't want to end up just memorizing the answers...

Thank you!

Re: Questions in exam (Brussels)

Geplaatst: 24 mei 2018, 16:15
door GRO
You have to read the lessons in your book.
you have to make the exercices.
At the end you make some test exams.

If you do that, you will succeed.

Re: Questions in exam (Brussels)

Geplaatst: 24 mei 2018, 21:12
door Jozef
kkrasnas schreef: 24 mei 2018, 14:23 Could you please explain to me if the questions in the actual exam are from the same database as your questions, or they can be formulated differently?
The questions for the actual exam don't come from the same database as the questions here. The questions here are very similar, but they can be formulated differently.
sometimes when I pass exercises or exams I start to memorize questions themselves, and answer them without thinking.
This is something you should avoid. Read each question attentively and give the right answer to it based on its contents, however it is formulated, without memorizing "for that question, the second answer is the right one".

After all, when driving, there are no questions along the road, you have to know how to correctly behave in each situation, and often you haven't much time to decide.