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Help needed for the theory (B)

Geplaatst: 30 apr 2018, 12:35
door Wannabedriver
Hello everyone,

I'm preparing myself for the theory exam given in Brussels. I'm studying the English book and hopefully will take the exam in French with an English translator. I finished the first 11 lessons as suggested, and I'm doing the exercises but I noticed that some points that weren't discussed in the book appeared in the questions. Maybe there is a discrepancy between the English - French version, I don't know.

1. The book says, on Reserved road (Route réservée) the maximum speed limit is 30kph, however, there is no clear statement if cars are allowed to use this road or not.

Question, Pouvez-vous franchir ce panneau en voiture (Image of reserved road added) ? Oui ou Non.

I answered Oui, but it was wrong because the road users mentioned in the image are pedestrians, cyclists and horseback riders.

2. The book says, in a built-up area one must drive 50kph unless regulations impose another speed limit. And if one drive 30kph faster than the limit the judge will decline the right to drive for the duration of 8 days or up to 5 years). There is no mention of 'the police will withdraw the driving temporarily'.

Question, vous avez le permis de conduire B. Vous franchissez ce panneau à 73km/h. Quels sont les conséquences (image of a built up area attached)?

I answered: Vous ne recevrez qu'une amende, but the correct answer is 'La Police vous retirera temporairement votre permis.

Thank you so much.

Re: Help needed for the theory (B)

Geplaatst: 30 apr 2018, 16:08
door GRO
I answered Oui, but it was wrong because the road users mentioned in the image are pedestrians, cyclists and horseback riders.
So the answer is NO, because there is no image of a car.

Your second question.
Read very carefully the explanation in chapter 12 (speed).

Re: Help needed for the theory (B)

Geplaatst: 04 jun 2018, 17:53
door Wannabedriver
Thank you. I took the exam and got 47/50. I must say though reading the English book wasn't enough for me. It is useful to cross check uncleared topics with the dutch or french version of the lesson on this website as they have additional information that wasn't included in the English version.